Although you may receive another opportunity as is set before you; the first one cannot be regained, as seen in 2 Kings 4:1-8. Therefore, wake up  and take action, there is a saying that “A stitch in time saves nine.”  Everyday you wake up is the day to take action, therefore, glorify God for that opportunity and do something with it, use it wisely.  This is because time waits for no one. 

Come before God with a pure heart – our Lord likes purity. Mary had a purified heart and got a visitation from the angel. How is your heart before God? Is it chaste and virgin? Luke 1:26 states that Mary received a visitation from the angel of God who ushered into her life’s good news. Therefore, allow your heart to become a virgin unto God, meaning, give a pure heart to God. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it worried.

Do not let your heart be destroyed by anger, pride or wickedness, but be separated unto God and let him find you and see what He brings to your future. To get to your tomorrow, heaven will not bypass you; it is what you show forth. People who appreciate divine timing are usually connected to destiny. The Psalmist said, “I will wait upon the Lord,” it is not about men, and it is about God. It is not how beautiful a place is but how beautiful you make it to be. God’s grace does not finish, You come in your own lane, accomplishing at your own time and doing what it is God wants you to accomplish. Therefore, don’t feel worried or upset thinking someone is in front of you. We all come differently to accomplish different purposes on earth. That is why we are of different races, sizes and proportions.

Remember, a humble heart will cry “Abba Father”. This is what the Lord wants. Some will not like you for your successes and abilities, but God will be on your side as He was on David’s side. David was a man quick to bow; hence he was chosen above Saul who never once asked for forgiveness. Grace will locate a pure heart, therefore, let your heart be pure before God, count your blessings, name them one by one, it will really surprise you what the Lord has done.

Be full of gratitude to the Lord and see what the Lord does to those who appreciate him. There is hope for a tree cut down, for the Lord brings it back to life.  Remember, the Christ in you is the hope of glory. Allow Him to do His exploits through you.